Hiring Advantage

$0-$20K+ months in 12 months 💸working just 2 days per week 🙏True Story

Hiring Advantage Season 1 Episode 39

Let’s get up close and personal. This week we are celebrating my business Hiring Advantage’s 1st birthday. Yup this time last year on business launch day, I had ZERO clients. Flash forward month 12 Hiring Advantage had made over $23,000 in sales. 

More than that, I have grown an epic team, a flourishing business and the job of my dreams! (Plus this podcast- woohoo!)

And I did this working 2 client facing days per week; with a baby, a toddler and as a single Mumma. Crazy right?! 

In this ep I talk through:

  • When I knew my corporate career and  relationship was broken and how I dealt with that 
  • How my less than perfect personal circumstances lit a fire in my belly and pushed me forward
  • What the juggle of single Mumma, business owner, podcaster and course creator has looked like for me
  • Why investing in yourself and surrounding yourself with epic boss babes is the pathway to growth
  • Hiring a team and the epic growth that it has created

Update from your Hiring Advantage Podcast host Chrissy.

Hiring Advantage has expanded into Grow Advantage! New podcast episodes are coming in 2025.

Don't worry - Chrissy is still your go-to for all things People and Teams but our services are expanding!

If you haven't already come say hey to me on Insta - http://instagram.com/grow_with_chrissy

Find out more about us at www.growadvantage.com.au

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